Soar To Success with our Online Presence Consultancy

When expertise and passion collide, possibilities are endless.
Let Altitude B2B guide you to a robust and growing online presence for your business.


Don't get us wrong, we value your passion for your business, and your blog posts may be good. However, we want to get you to the next level.
Our expert content writers will:‍
  • Update your Blog PostsUpdating a blog post means maintaining its core intact, while rearranging the rest to make it rank.
    This means our SEO content experts will:

    - Add relevant keywords
    - Improve blog post's readability
    - Edit and proofread its content
    - Make it more engaging
    - Remove redundant parts
    - Add interesting statistics
  • Write Well-Researched, Engaging and Unique ContentOur experts do not plagiarize.
    Your article will be well-researched with up-to-date statistics or scientific research papers.
    Pairing that with tested and engaging language, your content will be unique andloved by the Google indexing algorithm.
If your blog begs for improvement, or time is not a luxury for you, reach out!

Keyword Analysis

Keywords are words or phrases that are used in user searches.
Keyword Analysis is the core strategy to make you rank.

Let our expert SEO analysts form the best keyword strategy for your business. Here's what's included:
  • Find Relevant KeywordsNo keywords, no ranking. If you want your website to rank in Google pages, you need to find keywords relative to your target audience.
    Then, when a user searches something online, your website will rank higher in their search results.
  • Identify Competitors' KeywordsCompetitors strive to rank, as you do. Our experts can help you find their keywords and formulate strategies to beat them in their own game.
    This way, you can win competitors in certain keywords to maximize your chances for increased website traffic.
  • Track and Monitor Keyword ProgressProgress is about readjustments. Our experts will ensure that your website does not lose traction. We will monitor chosen keywords and adapt accordingly to maintain your website traffic growth.
  • Identify User IntentKnow your audience. Understanding your user's intent is crucial to our converting strategy. Our experts will design a tailored-to-your-needs strategy to leverage your business stage with the sole goal of increasing your traffic, leads and conversion rates.
Stop wasting precious time. Reach out to for a robust keyword strategy!

Local SEO

Step your local game up with Local SEO. Our SEO experts will ensure you become visible in your local area and stay relevant and competitive. Here are a few ways how we will do that:
  • Google My Business (GMB)  Our Local SEO experts will set up your GMB account with accurate, relevant and trusted information, making sure your Local Listings & Business Directories are complete and ready-to-go.
    Plus, you will get owner-verified and localize your business intent in your city or town of interest.
  • Local KeywordsWe will optimize a part of your content for local targeting. This requires local keywords and content optimized accordingly to draw attention from your city's people.
    Keyword research, monitoring and competitive research is also in your local SEO package!
  • Google Maps One of the most important aspects for local visibility. Our Google Maps experts will ensure your business has the complete Google Maps Pack perfect.
    From online reviews & citations to a complete and detailed catalog, we got you covered!
  • Local Link-buildingWe will ensure you attain local backlinks. Backlinks are also important for your local visibility. Our link-building experts will ensure you create a local backlink network to increase your local credibility and authority.
If locals still doubt your existence, reach out!

SEO Copywriting

Good SEO copywriting is about wits, specific information and the right "keywording" (assuming you've done your keyword research and analysis). And that's exactly what our expert SEO copywriters offer.
Nothing less. But...maybe more:
  • H1, h2, h3 HeadersWe will optimize your website's headers and online copy, making sure it follows your keyword strategy and improves your conversion rates.
  • Meta TagsWe will optimize even the unseen, but algorithm-important, meta tags for each corner of your website. Meta title tags, description tags, keyword tags, everything will be optimized for you to rank.
  • SEO-Friendly URLsForget random URL names and structure. Your URLs will follow strict architecture and naming so that they boost your ranking chances.
  • Internal Links The more, the merrier. But also, they should be non-broken and correctly applied. Don't worry, our expert team will make sure your internal links do their job: boost your website's authority.
  • Calls to Action (CTAs) They are those "Buy now", "Learn more" buttons. Even if they seem trivial, trust us; A correct placing, copy and design make a huge difference on your conversion rates.
Reach out to transform your online messaging today!

Technical SEO

Nothing really works without a good foundation, and this also applies to your website's SEO.
Our technical SEO experts are here to fix your website's backend operations, optimizing everything for better search engine rankings. Here's a sample of what we offer:
  • Enhanced Indexing and CrawlingSearch engines index and crawl your website. If they do it well, you rank.
    Our experts will ensure your indexing and crawlability are perfect, optimize your robots.txt files and checking and fix any relevant errors.
  • Optimized Site ArchitectureWhere there is order, ranking is easier.
    We will restructure your website's architecture so that it follows a logical URL hierarchy. Important pages will be linked in multiple sections, and your site navigation will improve.
  • XML SitemapsSitemaps are like a map, telling the search engine where to go and what to index and crawl.
    Good sitemaps with important keywords in place will heavily improve your ranking potential.
  • Duplicate Elements Resolution Even good content is redundant if it's duplicate.
    This ranges from duplicate posts to duplicate links, URLs, etc. Our team will make sure your website is efficient and lean!
  • Mobile OptimizationsNeglecting mobile responsiveness is a great hit to your conversions.
    Our expert web designers will make sure your website is effective, engaging and user-friendly in mobile devices.
Reach out to solidify your back end operations!

Website Audit

When was the last time you checked for your website's performance?
Website weaknesses impact your SEO strategy the longer you ignore them.
Let us perform a website audit and discover any weak points you may have. This includes:
  • Page SpeedYour page loading speed is one of the most crucial things to take into consideration.
    Learn how fast it loads, and all the elements that slow it down in a detailed report.
  • Website Architecture CheckIs your website architecture optimized for a search engine?
    URLs, Meta tags, Title tags, everything is checked, and we present you with a detailed report of what's wrong
    and how it can be improved.
  • Site Performance Analysis ReportIs your website compatible and responsive to all devices?
    This report will let you know the issues and also provide recommendations for improvement.
  • Crawlability and Indexability Reports Everything about this audit is focused on SEO.
    So, is your website favored by the search engine? This report will show you which of your site's elements are poor for the search engine.
  • Code Quality CheckCode can be messy, even in the simplest platforms.
    In our audit, we include a detailed list of code errors and improvements you can take to resolve them.
Reach out to find your website's issues!
A 15-min consultation, just for you

Let’s Discuss Your Online Presence Goals

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