Boost Black Friday Sales with Digital Upgrades

It's not too early to prepare for the biggest sales season for businesses. Get ready and embrace digital transformation for Black Friday 2023!

Black Friday 2023 online sales are predicted to hit over $9 billion, according to Adobe Analytics. Some might think it’s too early,  but small and medium businesses (SMBs) must act now to capture revenues, as Black Friday can strain unprepared operations. 

Let’s get your business ready ASAP by digitally transforming your business. And the best part? You can have this all funded by the government, with CDAP grants.

Here are some digital upgrades your business should have for a  record-breaking Black Friday payday:

Adopt Omnichannel Shopping Immediately 

According to Salesforce, 71% of customers expect unified interactions across channels. Consumers should not be limited in how they do their shopping- give shoppers a seamless 2023 Black Friday experience between online and offline touchpoints by adopting e-commerce immediately. Integrating web stores with POS enables conveniences like buy online pickup in-store that customers want.

Securing CDAP digital advisor grant funds now enables Canadian SMBs to implement digital platforms supporting omnichannel Black Friday sales. This provides the flexibility that deal-seeking 2023 shoppers expect.

Optimize Inventory Management Systems Now

Forecasting demand and planning inventory levels is critical in preventing any business’ nightmare: stockouts. Leverage sales data ASAP to predict Black Friday 2023’s demand for proven best-sellers. Stock up urgently to avoid empty shelves during peak periods. Adopting inventory management systems provides real-time visibility to optimize product availability across locations.

Automating transfers, counting, and ordering immediately helps rapidly replenish hot items on the big day, maximizing discounted product sales

Proactively Unlock Customer Intelligence

Proactively reviewing historical Black Friday metrics reveals customer insights. What were your previous top sellers? Which channel drives the most sales? What are they like, and where are they from? Tailor this year’s promotions, pricing, inventory, and outreach based on these data accordingly. Monitor real-time trends on Black Friday to adapt tactics on the fly.

This will greatly impact the relationship you have with your customers. Moreover, rewarding loyal customers with early access to the most desirable deals will build brand loyalty and assure that sales will increase all year-long . 

Urgently Scale and Secure Site Performance

With online sales skyrocketing 61% over the 5-day 2022 holiday weekend, you don’t want your website crashing down. This means an upgrade on site performance is as crucial as everything else in your Black Friday marketing strategy. Implement caching, CDNs, and extra capacity to maintain fast speeds under heavy Black Friday traffic.

Max-out your protection with Cybersecurity 

Crooks love the bustle and chaos of Black Friday madness. Holiday cyber threats increased by 340% in 2022, and these statistics alone should . Prevent slowdowns or outages that result in lost sales and damaged credibility.

Consult experts like Altitude B2B to develop a comprehensive CDAP digital adoption plan, securing grant funds to adopt new technologies. Digitally transform your operations today to steal the 2023 Black Friday show. Don’t sleep on it, act now to upgrade your SMB for record revenues!